After extensive research the BRIA group indentified, developed and tested seven primary system compnents from which domestic structures upto to five stories can be built. These primary components can also be integrated into LVL timber portal frames sitable for commercial buildings including Passive House Schools.

Unique features of the System

  • The external fabric of the structure (houses, schools and commercial buildings) are formed from a single skin providing the structural, thermal and acoustic performance standards required for ‘Passivehaus’ certification. Most systems are made up of two and in some cases three elements.
  • The external fabric is made up of standard panels and insulated connection boxes set between profiled head and sole plates. From only seven primary components (not including generic variations) it is possible to construct buildings up to five stories to standardised or bespoke layouts.
  • The entire system is fabricated from engineered timber with individual components retaining dimensional stability to a factor of plus or minus two millimetres within a factory environment.
  • All primary components will be manufactured using automated machinery reducing the manufacture and factory assembly period by 50%.
  • When the primary components are assembled they form a diaphragmatic structure providing three times the loading capacity of a conventional timber frame structures. The structure will support heavy cladding materials such as stone and brick without additional support.
  • Primary structures are assembled on site using specialist access equipment attached to the structure floor by floor eliminating the requirement for scaffolding.
  • The integrated assembly methods for the primary fabric, roofing, glazing, cladding and services, will reduce the on-site works period for a typical three bedroom house from 14 to 6 weeks.


Pre-fabrication to increase accuracy, reduce waste and enable efficient erection timescales on site.


Sustainability is at the forefront of the BRIA ethos; our timber products are sourced from sustainable supplies and rainwater harvesting and renewable energy generation can be incorporated into the building design.


The system also utilises recycled materials in parts of its construction and most elements of the building system can be reused and/or recycled.


The Homes and Communities Agency supports the improvement of the sustainability of new affordable housing developments, the system achieves the Passivhaus standard by providing:

  • good levels of insulation with minimal thermal bridges
  • passive solar gains and internal heat sources
  • excellent level of airtightness
  • good indoor air quality, provided by a whole house mechanical ventilation system with highly efficient heat recovery